Easy to Measure, Recycle and Reuse: Why We Picked Pods

At NuTraditions®, we spent a lot of time thinking of the best way to infuse organic red ginseng into your daily life. We know it is hard to take a capsule or powder each day as it is just one more thing to remember, so we thought of other ways to incorporate one of our favorite adaptogens into your busy routine. Our answer was to infuse organic red ginseng into coffee because coffee is a daily ritual for many, and that presented another challenge; how can we ensure the quality and freshness of our product is maintained, including the perfect amount of organic red ginseng extract and do what’s best for the planet?
After carefully considering our options, we decided on Keurig® brewer-compatible pods. Yes, this was surprising to us too, but we found each pod allowed us to monitor the exact amount of ginseng extract. And, as the environment is top of mind for us, we did additional research on the impact of our packaging to ensure our product was sustainable and safe. Below, we put together a list of ways you can be mindful while enjoying our coffee and why we went with pods, including ways to reuse your Good Morning Sunshine™️ BPA-free pod and sustainably recycle them, too.

Careful Measurements
By infusing organic red ginseng extract into organic, Fair TradeTM certified, single-origin Arabica coffee, our pods offer a boost of natural energy that can help reduce your coffee consumption.* Avoid the jitters from extra cups of coffee or sugary energy drinks by turning to ginseng, a natural energy tonic trusted for thousands of years that helps sustain the effects of caffeine.* To get the most out of our coffee, we recommend drinking it consistently – no this is not a ploy to get you to drink more of our coffee, it’s actually proven that if you enjoy adaptogens regularly, the more you get from them. To stay consistent, simply put a Good Morning SunshineTMCoffee Pod into your Keurig® home brewer and enjoy an energizing cup of coffee each morning.

Yes, you can recycle pods, they are not harmful to the planet like many people assume, if you do the right thing when disposing of them. In fact, Keurig® is committed to making its single-use options more sustainable as the brand continues to grow. According to one study, single-use coffee pods are actually better for the environment as they lead to less waste of grounds and beans, and less energy consumption. To recycle your pods, simply peel off the label on top. Then, you can either compost the remaining grinds or do something creative; use them to fertilize plants, naturalize odors, repel insects and pests, and more. Once you rinse out the grounds, simply toss the pod in your normal recycling.
Our BPA-free pods are safe, in fact, the plastic used in pods meets and exceeds FDA-standards. In addition, our boxes are made from 75% post-consumer waste that can be recycled. Most coffee is packaged in flexible containers to maintain freshness that cannot be recycled, even packaging for grounds and beans. At NuTraditions®, our packaging and pods are both recyclable and reusable.

If you are looking for an alternative to recycling, and you are a home gardener, you can also use the plastic pod as mini pots for planting small flowers, even fruits and vegetables. Label your pod with the type of seed, poke holes in the bottom for water and prepare a flat box to assemble your mini-garden. Add soil, seeds, use a spray bottle to water and then find a lid to enclose the moisture. Once you see the sprouts grow, remove and plant in your garden and water as needed. We like growing everything from peas and cilantro to chives and mint.

There are so many ways to ensure you are a sustainable coffee drinker and recycling your pods is a great place to start. We also recommend reusable mugs and to-go tumblers to reduce waste. Did you know that 120 billion disposable cups are used each year? While using a paper cup is better than plastic or foam, if it is recycled properly, it still costs us more than 11 million trees. Find a unique mug or tumbler in your favorite color or pattern to express your personality and make your coffee that much more enjoyable.

The takeaway from the above? We decided to go with BPA-free pods as they are a simple and effective way to drink coffee, making it even easier to consume organic red ginseng and start living mindfully. Plus, after evaluating the environmental impact, we determined this was the best way of maintaining product freshness while also making sure the products were simple to recycle, reuse and enjoy sustainably. We are always looking for innovative ways to bring Traditional Chinese Medicine to everyday life, without compromising our atmosphere and surroundings.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.