Life feels like a lot these days. Maintaining a positive attitude can be a challenge sometimes, even for the most optimistic among us. The era of toxic positivity – i.e., “posi vibes only” – is behind us. It’s completely OK to feel whatever you’re feeling (and ask for help when you need it). There’s no need to gloss over the rough days.
But a bit of positive energy can also help you “fake it until you make it.” Daily positive affirmations remind you of the good things in life on both your best days and the ones when you would love a “do-over.” This simple self-care tool doesn’t take much time or energy. You can even repeat your affirmations silently, so no one has to know!
Whether you’re feeling optimistic and want to stay that way or need a boost of positivity today, we’ve got you covered. Read on for a list of our go-to affirmations and a peek at the science behind positive thinking.
The science behind positivity
Doing your best to find silver linings, see the bright side and know that better days are yet to come can positively influence your health as well as your outlook, according to research. Smiling (both real and forced ones) can even offer a boost during times of occasional stress!
Take the time you need to process the hard days and tough moments in life, but do your best to reframe the narrative and build your resilience. Science shows that both can help – and so can practicing gratitude.
How to use positive daily affirmations
Follow these tips to integrate positive daily affirmations into your routine. Affirmations can be as simple or as complicated as you need them to be, so there’s no wrong way to get started.
- You can make them into an elaborate ritual, integrate them into a meditation or journaling routine or repeat them during your morning run or after-work swim session.
- You can mutter them under your breath during stressful moments, write them on sticky notes scattered around your home or make them part of a school drop-off routine to get your little ones on board.
- The best affirmation is the one that resonates with what you need to hear today. You can be serious (I am worthy of love) or lighthearted (I will not snap at my boss).
- They can be a quote from someone you admire or something original. They can be spiritual or a reminder of who you want to be. They can be a sentence or two, or they can be one word.
- You can use the same one every day or change them up daily or with the seasons/your moods. (Like when you’re working on your spring cleaning self-care!)
- The routine doesn’t have to take long. Tack it onto an existing habit, like your morning yoga practice or even brushing your teeth.
- If you speak another language, consider an affirmation that’s not in your mother tongue to add a layer of discretion (especially if you’re writing and posting yours) and individualism.
25 Positive Affirmations for Days You Need a Pep Talk
Ready for those affirmations? Here are 25 to try.
- I deserve rest. I do not have to earn rest.
- My to-do list doesn’t determine my self-worth.
- I love and I am loved.
- The best is yet to come.
- I get to write my own future.
- “No” is a complete sentence.
- I have made it through 100% of my bad days so far.
- Everything is temporary.
- Self-care isn’t selfish.
- I am strong.
- Tomorrow is a fresh start.
- I’m allowed to take up space and use my voice.
- If I am too much for some people, those are not my people.
- I am enough, just as I am today.
- I have the power to change.
- I can only control my reaction.
- I am a good parent. (or spouse, partner, friend, etc.)
- One foot in front of the other.
- Just keep swimming.
- Feelings aren’t facts.
- I have everything I need.
- One breath at a time.
- I’m a human being not a human doing.
- I am balanced and whole.
- Today is a new day.
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Read about more wellness trends we hope will stick around. If you start a daily affirmations practice and feel like sharing, tag us on social media! We’d love to see your routines.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.