Our Go-To Father’s Day Gift Ideas in 2022

Father’s Day in the U.S. is a little bit later than usual in 2022. (It is always the third Sunday in June.) It’s coming up on June 19, so mark your calendars — and relax if you haven’t found the perfect present yet. If shopping for your dad leaves you scratching your head and drawing a blank on ideas, we’ve got you covered this year.
Read on to find out our top Father’s Day gift ideas in 2022 – and the one gift that’s perfect for every dad!
1. For the dad who loves coffee.
If dad just isn’t dad before his morning coffee, give him a mug that’ll keep every sip piping hot. We recommend an insulated mug like the 20-ounce Rambler Travel Mug from YETI ($38). It comes in lots of colors – and fits in most cupholders for the days he handles carpool duty!
Tip: Level-up the gift by filling it with pods of Good Morning Sunshine™ Coffee + Adaptogens. Not only is the coffee really good and smooth (plus Certified Organic and Fair Trade), but it fights fatigue with more than just caffeine.* This is the perfect way to introduce Dad to Traditional Chinese Medicine and the adaptogenic (stress-busting) benefits of red ginseng!*
2. For the dad who never takes time for himself.
The best gifts don’t have to cost a thing! Celebrate Father’s Day as a family, but gift your partner a day off in the near future to do whatever he loves most, whether it’s riding his bike, playing golf or doing crossword puzzles. Balancing work and life is hard – especially now – and this gift idea delivers free time that’s perfect for helping him unwind and de-stress.
3. For the dad who never misses a game or practice.
He’s at every practice and game, from the preseason to the finals. But all those hours in the sun and wind can take their toll – and sun protection is important for everyone’s overall health. If dad isn’t already making sunscreen part of his daily routine, nudge him to start that habit. These are the best sunscreens for men in 2022, and they’re an easy Father’s Day gift idea! As a bonus, pair it with a hat from your alma mater or his favorite sports team.
4. For the dad who’s always nodding off on the couch.
Parenting is hard work, and those precious moments to unwind while watching TV are sometimes the only time dad (and mom) can relax. Dozing off on the sofa is only natural, but it certainly doesn’t help him get a good night’s sleep when bedtime rolls around! While napping before bed is a habit that could benefit from adaptogenic herbs over time, Hello Dreams™ can help him fall asleep and stay asleep starting tonight.* Each minty strip contains a precise dose of melatonin, plus our proprietary Calm Down™ herbal blend. He can just let one melt on his tongue a few minutes before bed, then swallow and start sawing logs.
5. For the dad in your life
Finding the perfect gift year after year is tough – especially if your parents are the type who have “everything they need” or are trying to downsize. That’s why we came up with what we believe is the best Father’s Day gift idea, whether dad lives down the street or across the country.
The NuTraditions Gift Box ($99.95) is self-care made easy. It gives dad everything he needs to fight fatigue with more than just caffeine – and help him get the rest he needs at night.* Each gift set includes:
An assortment of our Good Morning Sunshine™ coffee pods (20). They’re filled with our super-premium, Fair Trade coffee infused with organic red ginseng extract to help energize his busy morning and fight fatigue during the afternoon slump.*
Hello Dreams™ Sleep Strips (10) that deliver the perfect dose of Melatonin and our Calm Down™ herb blend to help him fall asleep and stay asleep for more energized tomorrows.*
Our NuTraditions Sleep Mask made from 100% mulberry silk. It’s soft, soothing and blocks out the light to help invite deep sleep.
Tip: The gift set also includes a coupon for dad to enjoy 30% off his next order of NuTraditions products. Consider setting him up with a subscription if he’s the kind of guy who never treats himself!
Happy Father’s Day to the Dad Behind NuTraditions
As you might have read, our story began because of one too many cups of coffee after yet another sleepless night. Our founder, Wilson Lau, loved being a new parent. The sleep deprivation that came along with it? Not so much. As an entrepreneur tasked with running his family’s successful third-generation herb sourcing business, he knew how important rest was — but his rest and his partner’s were entirely dependent on their precious little one’s sleep schedule.
Through his grogginess, he made a second pour-over coffee, wishing he had an easier way to energize himself without relying on caffeine all the time. He knew his coffee habit walked a fine line between supplying short-term energy and depleting it in the long run.
Wilson thought of the healing, nourishing soups and decoctions his grandmother made him as a kid. Growing up in the Bay Area, Wilson always had Po Po and her apothecary of traditional herbs close by.
His grandmother, Dr. Bing Yin Lee, earned her medical degree in 1935 and was one of California’s first licensed acupuncturists. Her herbal wisdom echoed in his head.
“More herbs, less coffee, steady energy,” he thought.
Soon, he started NuTraditions, combining ancient wisdom with high-tech modern convenience for products that work in our busy lives. Thanks to Wilson’s idea, dads everywhere can fight fatigue with more than just caffeine – and enjoy the rest they need to do it all over again tomorrow!
Happy Father’s Day to Wilson and all the dads out there!