Convenience, Efficacy and Tradition: That's What NuTraditions is All About

When it comes to what you put into and on your body, trust matters. When you choose one product or one brand over another, it’s the start of a relationship. Will it be short-lived or one that lasts? Smooth sailing or rocky? That often depends on more than whether you like a product or it tastes good. Since the best relationships are built on trust, honesty and open communication, we wanted to share a little more about our company, our values and our reason for being. NuTraditions is about three things: convenience, efficacy and tradition.
Here’s how we make that happen.
As we’ve mentioned, our story begins with one too many cups of coffee after yet another sleepless night. Our founder, Wilson Lau, loved being a new parent. The sleep deprivation that came along with it? Not so much. As an entrepreneur tasked with running his family’s successful third-generation herb sourcing business, he knew how important rest was — but his rest and his partner’s were entirely dependent on their precious little one’s sleep schedule.
Through his grogginess, he made a second pour-over coffee, wishing he had an easier way to energize himself without relying on caffeine all the time. He knew his coffee habit walked a fine line between supplying short-term energy and depleting it in the long run.
Wilson thought of the healing, nourishing soups and decoctions his grandmother made him as a kid. Growing up in the Bay Area, Wilson always had Po Po and her apothecary of traditional herbs close by.

His grandmother, Dr. Bing Yin Lee, earned her medical degree in 1935 and was one of California’s first licensed acupuncturists. Her herbal wisdom echoed in his head.
“More herbs, less coffee, steady energy,” he thought.
And that was it. The seed for NuTraditions was planted.
We make the highest-quality herbal remedies and self-care solutions designed to help you feel better fast, naturally. Though our company is new and our formats are high-tech, our team and our founder have been in this business for decades. We’ve built a reputation for quality, sustainability and efficacy.
That day in his kitchen, Wilson knew that he wasn’t the only person out there (not to mention the only exhausted parent) who craved the benefits of traditional herbs but needed them in a format that worked for his always-on, nonstop life. Who had time to make tea from a dozen dried herbs or let a soup slow-cook for hours? Even a pour-over coffee felt like work sometimes. This needed to be as simple as the K-cup machine at the office. Herbs at the push of a button.
That was it.
Ancient wisdom for the real world, where Traditional Chinese Medicine meets Silicon Valley innovation.
Our products deliver instant gratification for today’s modern lives, but they’re rooted in thousands of years of traditional history and use. Here’s a quick look at what you can expect from NuTraditions.
1. Convenience
We didn’t know it at the time, but our products are a perfect fit for the “post-2020” world we find ourselves in. We’re working from home, trying to balance more than ever, while keeping ourselves and others safe and healthy. It’s a lot — too much, some days. Parents (especially moms) have less “me time” than ever. That’s where our products come in, simplifying wellness as much as possible.
We aren’t a coffee company. To us, ginseng isn’t a “flavor” — it’s the key ingredient. We’re an herbal supplements company that’s updating ancient traditions for your busy life. Our Good Morning Sunshine™ coffee infused with red ginseng extract and, soon, Hello Dreams™ sleep strips (with Melatonin and our blend of Calm Down™ herbs) are just the beginning.
We want to meet you where you are, delivering meticulously tested, potent servings of herbs in a format that quickly works for you. How many times have you bought a cart full of healthy groceries, only to toss half of them a week later because you didn’t have time to cook complicated recipes? Or, how often have you bought a bottle of some herbal supplement your doctor recommended, then you forget to take it more days than not? We’ve been there. Life is busy, and no one has time.
NuTraditions combines herbal tradition with high-tech innovation. By not compromising on quality while also not settling for the status quo, NuTraditions found ways to make herbs part of your life, instead of being yet another task on your to-do list. Every product we make — and will ever make in the future — will seamlessly fit into your daily life.

2. Efficacy
Dr. Lee was known to be impeccable — in her appearance and the standards for her practice. She set the bar high when it came to the quality of herbs she used. When she moved to San Francisco in the 1970s, she soon built a loyal, thriving practice. She practiced a type of Traditional Chinese Medicine that used very specific doses of herbs, so quality was of the utmost importance. This herbalism required a deeper knowledge and keener understanding of not only health but botany. So when she couldn’t find the herbs she needed for her patients, she and her family built an herb-sourcing business from the ground up.
That’s where we get the ingredients we use in NuTraditions products. We extensively test every single ingredient every step of the way, via multiple methods, and we work directly with those who grow and craft the ingredients to ensure our products’ safety and efficacy.
Our testing methods include macroscopy (visible to the eye), microscopy (visible under a microscope) and chemical constituent testing. We know that quality begins at the source, so we take incredible care with every ingredient, every herb, and every finished product.
It’s why our coffee beans are single-origin, selected from small-scale, organic, and fair-trade farms in Central and South America. It’s why each Good Morning Sunshine™ pod is individually infused with organic, standardized red ginseng extract. And it’s why our quality control team meticulously tests our proprietary Calm Down formula in our Hello Dreams™ sleep strips to ensure consistency in every batch.

3. Tradition
Your life looks very different from your grandmother’s — and it’s OK if your supplements do, too. Though Dr. Lee passed away in 2009 (at the age of 100!) her legacy lives on here at NuTraditions. Every single product we make is with that legacy in mind. Our team of expert formulators leans on centuries of traditional use, updated for your busy life.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, at its core, is about maintaining balance. Our traditional herbs get to the root of what’s holding you back — and keeping you up. NuTraditions products are formulated to deliver ease and balance, so you can feel your best. We help you get the most out of every day, so you can live a healthier, happier, more productive life.
By focusing on efficacy and convenience, our products leave more time for what matters to you.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.